Translated Sermon #24: The Freedom of Faith and Conscience by Ferencz József

For full text go to the menu on top of the UnitarianTorch home page, click on Translated Transylvanian Unitarian Sermons line, and then click on the title: SermonTheFreedomofFaithandConscience.

Summary of the sermon: The author, Ferencz József, was a Unitarian minister in the town of Kolozsvár until 1876, and Bishop of the Transylvanian Unitarian Church from 1876 through 1928. Please consult his wikipedia page to learn about his many significant contributions to the Transylvanian Unitarian Church.

This 16 page sermon was delivered in August of 1868 in Torda, during the synod to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Unitarian religion in Transylvania. According to Gellérd Imre, the unequalled expert on Transylvanian Unitarian sermonic literature, this is an “epoch-making” sermon for Unitarian ideals, and the best illustration of the thought processes of the author.  Thus, this sermon is a unique opportunity to understand the 19th century view of 300 years of Unitarian history and the outlook into the future  from a speaker who was destined to lead the Unitarian Church for 52 years.

In the introduction Ferencz József explains the year for the establishment of the Unitarian Church to the year 1568, because that same year was the year when the Transylvanian law securing freedom of faith and conscience was enacted.

In the first part he describes the historic events related to the fulfillments and the degradations of the freedom of faith and conscience. This part ends with the death of Dávid Ferencz, and the subsequent intolerance and cleansing.

In the second part he describes the effect of the French Revolution in resurrecting freedom of faith and conscience, and the changes in religious that followed. This part ends with acknowledgement of Unitarianism taking hold in England and in America, and the presence of a more tolerant attitude towards Unitarians in Transylvania.

In the third part he explains how education is a key to create a kind of humanity where enlightened thinking will forever prevent discrimination and prosecution based on religious difference.

Technical note: The author’s name and the Hungarian names in the body of the sermon and in the above summary are shown in their Hungarian form (Family name then Given name), and using the letters with diacritical marks.

Translated Sermon #23: The Word of Life by Simén Domokos

For full text go to the menu on top of the UnitarianTorch home page, click on Translated Transylvanian Unitarian Sermons line, and then click on the title: SermonTheWordofLife.

Summary of the sermon:This sermon challenges us to measure our speech, our communications against the “word of life” of Jesus. Simén Domokos passes down his flame of enthusiasm to us by imploring us to make an effort to live up to that high standard. The sermon was written in 1990, the year after the revolution toppled the Communist rule and its restrictions on the Transylvanian Unitarian Church. The sermon, in a way, is a reminder that the example of Jesus is eternal, and his words are relevant even to those who were distracted by the words of the Communist regime.  In 2020, the relevance of the sermon to social media is unmistakable.

Simén Domokos was a minister in the town of Csikszereda till 2001; he passed away in 2006. The Csikszereda church is partnered with the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Shelter Rock, Manhasset, NY.


Translated Sermon #22: I Believe in the Eternal Life by Dr. Szabó Árpád

For full text go to the menu on top of the UnitarianTorch home page, click on Translated Transylvanian Unitarian Sermons line, and then click on the title: SermonIBelieveintheEternalLife.

Summary of sermon: The topic of this Easter sermon is the promise of eternal life, the promise of rebirth as  a person and as a community.  Dr. Szabó Árpád asks “Can we become the people of Easter?” The affirmative answer is spelled out for us.

Dr. Szabó Árpád was the 30th bishop of the Transylvanian Unitarian Church. He studied at Meadville Lombard Theological School in 1977-78;  he was an active participant in the affairs of the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists (ICUU); he was awarded the Louis C. Cornish “Living the Mission” award by the UU Partner Church Council in 2007. He passed away in 2010.

Transylvanian Unitarian college and high schools

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for seminaries and schools of divinity