For full text go to the menu on top of the UnitarianTorch home page, click on Translated Transylvanian Unitarian Sermons line, and then click on the title: SermonIBelieveintheEternalLife.
Summary of sermon: The topic of this Easter sermon is the promise of eternal life, the promise of rebirth as a person and as a community. Dr. Szabó Árpád asks “Can we become the people of Easter?” The affirmative answer is spelled out for us.
Dr. Szabó Árpád was the 30th bishop of the Transylvanian Unitarian Church. He studied at Meadville Lombard Theological School in 1977-78; he was an active participant in the affairs of the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists (ICUU); he was awarded the Louis C. Cornish “Living the Mission” award by the UU Partner Church Council in 2007. He passed away in 2010.