Translated Sermon #38: Celebratory Sermon by Kriza János

For full text go to the menu on top of the UnitarianTorch home page, click on Translated Transylvanian Unitarian Sermons line, and then click on the title: SermonCelebratorySermon.

Summary of sermon: The sermon was written in 2022 by Kriza János. The sermon was delivered at the worship service that included the Lord’s Supper, as this service consecrated a newly built Transylvanian Unitarian church building. This new church is a replica of the 18th century church located in Nyárádgálfalva, Transylvania (in Romania). The replica church was built in the Skanzen of Szentendre, Hungary, to be a part of a building complex that displays various aspects of Transylvanian cultural heritage. The original church at Nyárádgálfalva is described as one of the most picturesque among Transylvanian Unitarian churches. The interior has painted wooden casettes on the ceiling.   Kriza János is the current head of the Hungarian District of the Hungarian Unitarian Church.  The sermon reminds us that when Christian Unitarians partake in the Lord’s Supper they are keeping alive one of the two sacraments Jesus himself practiced, and all the disciples of Jesus would recognize as familiar to them. The Unitarian church is partnered with All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church in Kansas City.

Translated Sermon #12: Our Tradition of Renewal by Jakabházi Béla Botond

For full text go to the menu on top of the UnitarianTorch home page, click on Translated Transylvanian Unitarian Sermons line, and then click on the title: SermonOurTraditionofRenewal.

Summary of sermon: This 2018 sermon is from Reverend Jakabházi Béla Botond who is the minister at Nyárádgálfalva, Transylvania.  He was a Balazs scholar in 2007-2008.   The central theme of this sermon is why we want ask the following questions: as people of Unitarian faith  “Who are we? and Who do we want to become?” .  The answers are coming from the rich cultural traditions of the Hungarian Unitarian Church, and the words of Jesus.  This sermon won the 3rd place in the 450th Anniversary year contest organized by the Hungarian Unitarian Church at Kolozsvár.

Transylvanian Unitarian college and high schools

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